Zuzanna A. Jagiełło, MSc

PhD student
room no 339

Scientific interests

Behavioral ecology, nature conservation, innovation biology


2017- PhD Candidate: In Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Poznan University of Life Science, Poland

2015-2016 Postgraduate Pedagogical Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Teaching permissions awarded

2014-2016 Master thesis under dr Marcin Tobółka, In Institute of Zoology, Poznan University of Life Science, Poland. Thesis: Anthropogenic elements in White Stork Ciconia ciconia

2008-2011 Bachelor of Science, Faculty of Animal Biology and Science, Wrocław University of Life and Environmental Sciences, Poland

Experience and employment

04. 2017, Field Assistant in a project “Influence of interaction between social information
and landscape structure on behavior and distribution of animals”, Institute of Nature
Conservation, PAS

01-03.2017, Department of Zoology and Physical Anthropology Faculty of Biology,
Complutense University of Madrid, White Stork ecology research

2016-2017, natural guide and educator at Museum of Palace of King John III at Wilanów,

2016-2017, Intern in Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal
Science, Poznan University of Life Sciences

2015 – 2016, Faculty of Animal Science, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – program

2014-2016, Volunteer in Wild Birds Rehabilitation Center, Bukwałd, Olsztyn

2011, Department of Integrated Environmental Science, University of Namibia, Avian
biodiversity & springboks’ diet research


“Zoology and Ecology”
“Fauna of Nature 2000 areas”
