tel.: + 48 61 848 7705
Kolegium Cieszkowskich New, 1st floor
ORCID ID:0000-0002-9035-9951
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Scientific interests
aquaculture, aquaponics, conservation of fish biodiversity, invasive species of freshwater ecosystems
Fish breeding, Sustainable fish breeding methods, Seminars, Technologies in animal production, Animal breeding
- 2024, hydrological studies of the reservoir: Kleczew, Roztocze and the flooded final excavation of the Jóźwin II B opencast mine. Contract PAK Brown Coal Mine, Konin S.A.
- 2015-2018, environmental expertise “Monitoring of species and natural habitats with particular emphasis on special areas of protection of Natura 2000 habitats – in the scope of animal species (ichthyofauna)” for the Institute of Nature Protection of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków, contractor.
- 2014-2015, project coordinated by the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection and the Institute of Inland Fisheries in Olsztyn “Ichthyofauna studies in 2014-2015 for the purposes of assessing the ecological status of waters together with participation in the European intercalibration exercise – rivers”, contractor.
- 2010-2015, project co-financed by the Polish Angling Association “Hydrobiological and fishing characteristics of the Drawa River and an attempt to develop and implement effective fishing management on sections used for fishing by the PZW District in Poznań”, contractor.
- 2011-2013, project coordinated by the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection and the Institute of Inland Fisheries in Olsztyn “Ichthyofauna studies in 2010-2012 for the purposes of assessing the ecological status of waters together with participation in the European intercalibration exercise – rivers”, contractor.
- 2010-2012, project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education “Possibilities of using small tributaries of the middle Warta for incubation of eggs and rearing of juvenile stages of salmonids”, contractor.
- 2008-2010, project implemented in cooperation with the Polish Angling Association in Poznań “Ichthyological inventory of selected tributaries of the Warta”, contractor.
Deng B., Nicoletta R., Urbańska M., Marjomäki T., Andrzejewski W., Taskinen J. 2025. Lower parasite pressure in invasive freshwater bivalves than in sympatric native Unionidae mussels in southern European lakes. Biological Invasion. 27:10.
Golski J., Andrzejewski W., Urbańska M., Dajewski K., Hoffmann L. 2023. Pro-ecological and conservation activities are not always beneficial to nature – a case study of two lowland streams in Central Europe. Scientific Reports
Pietruczuk K., Budka A., Andrzejewski W., Paweł Bielak-Bielecki, Buczyński P., Buczyńska E., Budzyńska A., Czarnecki M., Dajewski K., Głazaczow A., Golski J., Grabowski M., Jusik M., Kokociński, M. Pełechata A., Pietruczuk K., Przesmycki M., Runowski S., Sajkiewicz R., Tończyk G., Szoszkiewicz K. 2023. Observed and estimated taxonomic diversity of different groups of aquatic organisms in the pristine rivers in the Biebrza National Park. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology.
Konieczny P., Andrzejewski W., Yang T., Urbańska M., Stangierski J., Tomczyk Ł., Mikołajczak B. 2022. Selected quality attributes of freshwater mussel powder as promising ingredient for petfood. Animals 2022, 12(1), 90.
Felsmann M.Z, Zdun M., Wąsiatycz G, Andrzejewski W. 2022. Postmortem diagnosis of gunshot injuries in great black cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) for forensic veterinary medicine. Med. Weter. 2022, 78 (11), 567-576.DOI:
Stangierski J., Rezler R., Grześ B., Andrzejewski W., Konieczny P. 2021. Physicochemical characteristics of surimi-like material made from the muscle tissues of freshwater mussels (Sinanodonta woodiana Lea, 1834). Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization 15:2161–2172
Ożgo M., Urbańska M., Marzec M., Kamocki A., Andrzejewski W., Golski J., Lewandowski K., Geist J. 2021. Lake-stream transition zones promote mussel diversity and abundance: evidence from an undisturbed lake-outlet stream in a 35-year study. Science of the Total Environment (774), 145114
Golski J., Dajewski K., Urbańska M., Andrzejewski W., Runowski S. 2021. Diversity of fish and zoobenthic communities in lowland river related to the factors of hydromorphological river continuum and pollution disturbances. Rocznik Ochrony Środowiska vol. 23, pp. 845-867
Andrzejewski W., Uzar T., Pękala-Safińska A., Urbańska M., Pociecha A., Leja -Serwańska K. 2021.The influence dependency of age on the occurrence of internal parasites in perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) from the Wielkopolski National Park. Animal Science And Genetics 2021; 17 (4): 37-44 DOI:10.5604/01.3001.0015.69
Taskinen J., Urbańska M., Ercoli F., Andrzejewski W., Ożgo M., Deng B., Choo J.,M., Riccardi R. 2020. Parasites in sympatric populations of native and invasive freshwater bivalves.Hydrobiologia.
Uzar T., Andrzejewski W., Kozak J. 2018. Morphology of the inferior pharyngeal bones of white bream (Blicca bjoerkna) in River Warta. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 1-7. DOI:10.1111/ahe.12422
Urbańska M., Andrzejewski W., Riccardi N., Gierszal H., Golski J. 2018. The invasive Asian clam Corbicula flaminea in Polish rivers: the importance of thermal discharge from power plants for its spread. Polish Journal of Ecology, 66 (1):70-75.
Urbańska M., Andrzejewski W., Gierszal H., Golski J. 2018. Are there any differences in the fouling of the native and invasive Unionidae by Dreissena polymorpha ? Inland Waters DOI:10.1080/20442041. 2018.1502985
Stangierski J., Andrzejewski W., Tomaszewska-Gras J., Grześ B., Urbańska M. Konieczny P. 2018. Effect of washing on the quality of surimi-like preparation obtained from soft tissue of freshwater mussel Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834), Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 27 (9) 961–974.DOI:10.1080/10498850.2018.1518360
Stanek M., Andrzejewski W., Janicki B. 2017. Impact of the environmental factors on the total cholesterol content in the meat of freshwater fish of Poland. Journal of Central European Agriculture 18(1) 214-225.DOI: //
Szaluer-Łukaszewska A., Andrzejewski W., Gierszal H., Urbańska M. 2017.Co-occurrence of Sinanodonta woodiana with the native Unionidae in the lower Oder. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 46 (2) 244-248. DOI:
Golski J., Pińskwar P., Jezierska-Madziar M., Andrzejewski W., Mazurkiewicz J., Stanisławski D., Urbańska M. 2017. Rheophilic fish in oxbow lakes of the Warta river – the effect of environmental conditions on habitat selection. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 46 (1) 38-49.
Mazurkiewicz J., Graczyk L., Czyżak-Runowska G., Pietrzak M., Przybylska K., Andrzejewski W., Golski J. 2017.The effect of diet and feeding techniques on growth factors and meat quality of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 16(2): 639-653.
Golski J., Mazurkiewicz J., Andrzejewski W., Przybył A., Kozak J. 2016. The survival rate and growth of juvenile salmonids reared in lowland streams. Archives of Polish Fisheries 24:187-200. DOI 10.1515/aopf-2016-0016
Stanek M., Andrzejewski W., Mazurkiewicz J., Janicki B., Cygan – Szczegielniak D., Roślewska A., Stasiak K., Waszak I. 2016. Seasonal investigation of mineral contents in the meat, gills and liver of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) from the Wielkopolska Lakes District (Poland), Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 25(1):301-309. DOI: 10.15244/pjoes/59425
Cichy A., Urbańska M., Marszewska A., Andrzejewski W., Żbikowska E., 2016. The invasive Chinese pond mussel Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834) as a host for native symbionts in European waters. J.Limnology 75(2)288-296. DOI:10.4081/jlomnol.2016.1334
Konieczny P., Tomaszewska-Gras J., Andrzejewski W., Mikołaczak B., Urbańska M., Mazurkiewicz J., Stangierski J. 2016. DSC and electrophoretic studies on protein denaturation of Anodonta woodiana (LEA, 1834) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 126:69-75. DOI :10.1007/s10973-016-5707-0
Runowski S., Golski J., Grzelak M., Andrzejewski W., Mazurkiewicz J. Murawski M. 2016. Biological characteristics of spawning population of vendace (Coregonus albula L.) from Lake Śremskie (Międzychód District). Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 61(4) 136-142.
Mazurkiewicz J., Andrzejewski W., Żołnierowicz K.M., Przybylska K., Golski J., Graczyk L. 2015. Effects of incorporating in diets cold-pressed rapeseed cake on the growth performance, nutrient utilization, and body composition of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Arch. Pol. Fish. 23(2) 113-120.
Stanek M., Andrzejewski W., Janicki B.,Waszak I., Mazurkiewicz J. 2014. Content of calcium and phosphorus in the meat, gills and liver of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) from the Wielkopolska Lakes District (Poland). Journal of Elementology, 19(2): 507-518. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2014.19.2.343
Soroka M., Urbańska M., Andrzejewski W., 2014. Chinese pond mussel Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834): origin of the Polish population and doubtful GenBank data. Journal of Limnology,73(3), DOI: 10.4081/jlimnol.2014.938
Florczyk K., Mazurkiewicz J., Przybylska K., Ulikowski D., Szczepkowski M., Andrzejewski W., Golski J. 2014. Effect of dietary protein/lipid balance on growth performance, feed intake and morfology of juvenile European catfish, Silurus glanis (L.) Aquaculture International, 22:205-214, DOI: 10.1007/s10499-013-9667-0
Cieśla M., Gozdowski D., Śliwiński J., Jończyk R., Rechulicz J., Andrzejewski W. 2014. Changes in ide Leuciscus idus (L.) females’ reproductive parameters after stimulation with carp pituitary homogenate (CPH) and Ovopel: the effect of domestication? Aquaculture International, 22:77-88, DOI: 10.1007/s10499-013-9668-z
Andrzejewski W., Urbańska M., Mazurkiewicz J., Gierszal H. Golski J. 2013. The current invasion status of (Sinanodonta woodiana) (Lea, 1934) in Poland – study of habitat parameters. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies,42(2)173-180, doi:10.2478/s13545-013-0071-1
Urbańska M., Andrzejewski W., Łakomy A., Gierszal H. 2013. Predation on alien species: a case of oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus) foraging on Sinanodonta woodiana – an alien pond mussel. Polish Journal of Ecology,(61)11-3.
Grudniewska J., Przybył A., Goryczko K., Andrzejewski W. 2013. Preliminary attemps to start feed huchen (Hucho hucho). Arch.Pol.Fish. 21:225-227.
Urbańska M. , Łakomy A., Andrzejewski W., Mazurkiewicz J., 2012.The story of one clam. Probably the oldest location of the Chinese pond mussel Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834) (Bivalvia, Unionidae) in Poland. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies,.41(1):41-45.
Andrzejewski W., Mazurkiewicz J., Przybył A., Golski J., Przybylska K., 2012. Ichtiofauna of the Postomia river within the Ujście Warty National Park (Western Poland) Nauka Przyr. Technol. 6(3)52 .
Fiszer M., Przybył A., Andrzejewski W., Mazurkiewicz J., Golski J., Przybylska K., Runowski S. 2012. Vendance Coregonus albula (L.) from selected lakes in Wielkopolska. I. Limnological characteristic of lakes. Arch. Pol. Fish. 20:85-95.
Fiszer M., Przybył A., Andrzejewski W., Mazurkiewicz J., Golski J., Przybylska K., Runowski S. 2012. Vendance Coregonus albula (L.) from selected lakes in Wielkopolska. II. Biological characteristic. Arch. Pol. Fish. 20:97-108.
Fiszer M., Przybył A., Andrzejewski W., Mazurkiewicz J., Golski J., Przybylska K., Runowski S. 2012. Vendance Coregonus albula (L.) from selected lakes in Wielkopolska. III. Biometric characteristic. Arch. Pol. Fish. 20:109-122.
Andrzejewski W., Golski J, Mazurkiewicz J., Przybył A., Płotkowiak M., 2011 Ichtyofauna of the Warta River and its tributaries in the city of Poznań (Poland) -status and threats. In: Urban fauna. Studies of animal biology, ecology and conservation in European cities. Indykiewicz P., Jerzak L., Böhner J., Kavanagh B.(eds.). UTP Bydgoszcz : 325-333.
Andrzejewski W., Mazurkiewicz J., Przybył A., Golski J., 2010 Pike’s food from a river and a carp pond. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 4 ,3,29.
Andrzejewski W., Szlakowski J., Mastyński J., Mazurkiewicz J., Godlewska M. 2010 Fish biomass and species composition in the Malta Reservoir, Poland. J. Water Land Dev.14:3-10.
Golski J., Przybył A., Mazurkiewicz J., Andrzejewski W., Trawiński J., 2010 Habitat variability and fish species structure in Kończak stream. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 4: 83-98.