Jan Mazurkiewicz, Professor

Head of the Laboratory

karp@up.poznan.pl, tel. 61 848 77 21, room: 26
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3344-1094
Research gate

Area of study

– inland fisheries, aquaculture, fish nutrition, feed production technology, utilization of food industry by-products in feed for aquaculture;

– creation and management of experimental facilities for aquaculture;

– management skills in aquaculture systems;

– feed optimization and feed processing in experimental scale operations;

– invasive alien species of water ecosystems.


2010: DSc, Inland Fisheries Institute in Olsztyn

2002: PhD, Faculty of Biology and Animal Science, Poznan University of Life Sciences

1998: Master of science in animal sciences, Poznan University of Life Sciences

Experience and employment

2019-now: vice head of the Department of Zoology

2019-now: head of the Division of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture

2019-now: assistant profesor, Division of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture

2016-now: vice dean for studies, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science

2011-2019: vice director of the Institute of Zoology

2011-now: director of the Experimental Station of Feed Production Technology and Aquaculture in Muchocin

2009-2019: head of the Division of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture

2002-2019: associate profesor, Division of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture



2019: Medal of the 100th anniversary of the Academic Agricultural and Forest Studies

2010: Lecturer of the Year 2009/2010, Faculty of Animal Breeding and Biology at Poznan University of Life Sciences

2010: Director award for habilitation thesis, Inland Fisheries Institute in Olsztyn

1998: Medal of the Rector of the Agricultural University in Poznan “For achievements in studies”


Fish farming and breeding



Production technology of feeds for aquaculture

Fish health prophylaxis


2001-2002: Optimization of the composition, production technology and evaluation of the suitability of extruded feed mixtures in the feeding of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri Brandt 1869) – KBN – 6 P06E 044 20

2003-2004: The effect of the addition of probiotic preparations containing lactic acid bacteria on the growth performance and composition of the common carp intestinal microflora (Cyprinus carpio L.) – KBN – 3 P06Z 03324

2003-2004: “STAR”-Standarisation of river classifications: Framework method for calibrating different biological survey results against ecological quality classifications to be developed for the Water Framework Directive” – EU – EVK1-CT-2001-00089

2008-2010: Ichthyological inventory of selected tributaries of the Warta River – in cooperation with Polish Angling Association in Poznan

2010-2013: Possibilities of using small tributaries of the middle Warta River Basin for incubation of eggs and rearing of juvenile stages of salmonids fish – MNiSW – N N304 354139

2017-2019, Insects as novel protein sources for fish and poultry – TEAM TECH program of the Foundation for Polish Science

2018-2019: InnSecta: innovative technology for the production of feed materials based on insect biomass – NCBiR – European Founds Smart Growth

2019-2021: Innovative feed components in the nutrition of reophilic fish – optimization and increasing the efficiency of rearing juvenile stages – European Fisheries Fund Operational Program “Fisheries and Sea”

Papers in peer-reviewed journals

Zakęś Z., Przybył A., Woźniak M., Szczepkowski M., Mazurkiewicz J. (2004): Growth performance of juvenile pikeperch, Sander lucioperca (L.) fed graded levels of dietary lipids. Czech. J. Anim. Sci., 49(4): 156-163.

Przybył A., Mazurkiewicz J. (2004): Nutritive value of cereals in feeds for common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Czech. J. Anim. Sci., 49(7): 307-314.

Przybył A., Mazurkiewicz J., Wudarczak B., Molińska-Glura M., Moliński K. (2006). A usability trial of erythrocyte meal in feeding juveniles of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. Acta. Ichthyol. et Piscat., 36(1): 57-63.

Przybył A., Mazurkiewicz J., Rożek W. (2006): Partial substitution of fish meal with soybean protein concentrate and extracted rapeseed meal in the diet of sterlet (Acipenser ruthneus). J. Appl. Ichthyol. 22 (1): 298-302.

Przybył A., Mazurkiewicz J., Golski J. (2008): Evaluation of selected feeds differing in dietary lipids levels in feeding juveniles of Wels catfish, Silurus glanis L. Acta Ichthyol. Piscat., 38 (2): 91-96.

Golski J., Przybył A., Mazurkiewicz J., Andrzejewski W., Trawiński J. (2010) Habitat variability and fish species structure in Kończak stream. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, XXXIX, 4: 83-98.

Mazurkiewicz J., Przybył A., Czyżak-Runowska G. Łyczyński A. (2011) Cold-pressed rapeseed cake as a component of the diet of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.): effects on growth, nutrient utilization, body composition and meat quality. Aquacult. Nutr., 17 (4): 387-394.

Grześkowiak Ł., Collado M.C., Vesterlund S., Mazurkiewicz J., Salminen S. (2011) Adhesion abilities of commensal fish bacteria by use of mucus model system: Quantitative analysis. Aquaculture, 318: 33-36.

Urbańska M., Łakomy A., Andrzejewski W., Mazurkiewicz J. (2012) The story of one clam. Probably the oldest location of the Chinese pond mussel Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834) (Bivalvia, Unionidae) in Poland. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 41: 41-45.

Andrzejewski W., Urbańska M., Mazurkiewicz J., Gierszal H., Golski J. 2013. The current invasion status of Anodonta woodiana (Lea, 1934) In Poland – study of habitat preferences. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 42 (2): 173-180.

Florczyk K., Mazurkiewicz J., Przybylska K., Ulikowski D., Szczepkowski M., Andrzejewski W., Golski J. 2014. Growth performance, feed intake and morphology of juvenile European catfish, Silurus glanis (L.) fed diets containing different protein and lipid levels. Aquacult. Int., 22: 205-214.

Stanek M., Andrzejewski W., Janicki B., Mazurkiewicz J., Waszak I. 2014. Content of calcium and phosphorus in the meat, girls and liver of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) from the Wielkopolska lakes district (Polnad). J. Elem.: 19 (2): 507-518, DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2014.19.2.343

Stanek M., Andrzejewski W., Mazurkiewicz J., Janicki B., Cygan–Szczegielniak D., Roślewska  A., Stasiak K., Waszak I. 2016. Seasonal investigation of mineral contents in the meat, gills and liver of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) from the Wielkopolska Lakes District (Poland). Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, DOI: 10.15244/pjoes/59425

Konieczny P., Tomaszewska-Gras J., Andrzejewski W., Mikołaczak B., Urbańska M., Mazurkiewicz J., Stangierski J. 2016. DSC and electrophoretic studies on protein denaturation of Anodonta woodiana (LEA, 1834). Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 126: 69-75. DOI :10.1007/s10973-016-5707-0  

Golski J., Pińskwar P., Jezierska-Madziar M., Andrzejewski W., Mazurkiewicz J., Stanisławski D., Urbańska M. 2017. Rheophilic fish in oxbow lakes of the Warta River – the effect of environmental conditions on habitat selection. Oceanol. Hydrobiol. Stud., 46 (1): 38-49.  DOI: 10.1515/ohs-2017-0005.

Mazurkiewicz J., Graczyk L., Czyżak-Runowska G., Pietrzak M., Przybylska K., Andrzejewski W., Golski J. 2017. The effects of diet and feeding techniques on growth factors and meat quality of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Iranian J. of Fish. Sci., 16(2): 639-653.

Kierończyk B., Rawski M., Józefiak A., Mazurkiewicz J., Świątkiewicz S., Siwek M., Bednarczyk M., Szumacher-Strabel M., Cieślak A., Benzertiha A., Józefiak D. 2018. Effects of replacing soybean oil with selected insect fats on broilers. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 240: 170-183.

Benzertiha A., Kierończyk B., Rawski M., Józefiak A., Mazurkiewicz J., Józefiak D., Messikh M.S., Świątkiewicz S. 2018. Cultural and practical aspects of halal slaughtering in food production. Medycyna Weterynaryjna.

Józefiak, A., Kierończyk, B., Rawski, M., Mazurkiewicz, J., Benzertiha, A., Gobbi, P., Nogales-Merida S., Świątkiewicz S., Józefiak, D. 2018. Full-fat insect meals as feed additive–the effect on broiler chicken growth performance and gastrointestinal tract microbiota. J. Anim. Feed Sci, 27(2), 131-139.

Kaczmarek J.M., Kaczmarski M., Mazurkiewicz J., Kloskowski J. 2018. A matter of proportion? Associational effects in larval anuran communities under fish predation. Oecologia 187: 745–753.

Nogales-Merida S., Gobbi P., Józefiak D., Mazurkiewicz J., Dudek K., Rawski M., Kierończyk B., Józefiak A. 2019. Insect meals in fish nutrition. Reviews in Aquaculture. DOI: 10.1111/raq.12281

Uzar T., Andrzejewski W., Mazurkiewicz J. 2019. Microbiome of the digestive tract and probiotic therapy in cyprinids. Pol. J. Natur. Sc., 34 (1): 157-170.

Józefiak A., Nogales-Merida S., Mikołajczak Z., Rawski M., Mazurkiewicz J., 2019. The utilization of full-fat insect meal in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) nutrition; the effects on growth performance, intestinal microbiota and gastro-intestinal tract histomorphology, Annals of Animal Science,  DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/aoas-2019-0020

Górecki M., Mazurkiewicz J. Myczko Ł. 2019. Influence of the presence of ide Leuciscus idus on the boldness of common carp Cyprinus carpio. Aquaculture, 505, 253-255.

Józefiak   A., Nogales-Mérida   S., Rawski   M., Kierończyk B., Mazurkiewicz   J. 2019. Effect of full–fat insect meals on gastrointestinal tract health and growth performance of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869). BMC Veterinary Research, DOI: 10.1186/s12917-019-2070-y

Hoffmann L., Rawski M., Nogales-Merida S., Mazurkiewicz J. 2020. Dietary inclusion
of Tenebrio molitor meal in sea trout larvae rearing: effects on fish growth  performance,  survival, condition,  and  GIT  and  liver  enzymatic  activity. Annals  of Animal Science, DOI: 10.2478/aoas-2020-0002

Pietrzak E., Mazurkiewicz J., Slawinska A. 2020. Innate immune responses of skin mucosa in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fed a diet supplemented with galactooligosaccharides. Animals, 10, 438; doi:10.3390/ani10030438

Ziółkowska E., Bogucka J., Dankowiakowska A., Rawski M., Mazurkiewicz J., Stanek M. 2020. Effects of a trans-galactooligosaccharide on biochemical blood parameters and intestine morphometric parameters of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Animals 10, 723; doi:10.3390/ani10040723

Mikołajczak Z., Rawski M., Mazurkiewicz J., Kierończyk B., Józefiak D. 2020. The effect of hydrolyzed insect meals in Sea trout fingerling (Salmo trutta m. trutta) diets on growth performance, microbiota and biochemical blood parameters. Animals 10, 1031; doi:10.3390/ani10061031

Kaczmarek J., Kloskowski J., Kaczmarski M., Mazurkiewicz J. 2020. Numbers, neighbours and hungry predators: what makes chemically defended aposematic prey susceptible to predation? Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.1002/ece3.6956

Rawski M., Mazurkiewicz J., Kierończyk B., Józefiak D. 2020. Black Soldier Fly Full-Fat Larvae Meal as an Alternative to Fish Meal and Fish Oil in Siberian Sturgeon Nutrition: The Effects on Physical Properties of the Feed, Animal Growth Performance, and Feed Acceptance and Utilization. Animals 10, 2119; doi:10.3390/ani10112119