Marta Nowak, MSc

PhD Student
Kolegium Cieszkowskich nowe, III floor, room: 233
Supervisors: dr hab. Łukasz Myczko, dr hab. Łukasz Węgiel

Scientific Interests

Ornithology, behavioral ecology, habitat preferences, and species adaptations to changing environmental conditions

ORCID iD0009-0007-7210-5652


from 2024 – PhD studies; as part of a project conducted by the Poznań University of Life Sciences in collaboration with the State Forests – The impact of wind farm construction on bat and bird populations in lowland forests in Poland.


2023 – 2024 – MSc in Animal breeding, in the field of breeding wild animals, Poznań University of Life Sciences

2019 – 2023 – Engr. in Animal breeding, in the field of breeding wild animals, Poznań University of Life Sciences


  • Two-month internship as part of the project Najlepsi z natury 2.0 in a company dealing with environmental protection
  • Training in performing procedures on animals at the Poznań University of Life Sciences


biology (Veterinary medicine), therapeutic aspects of contact with nature (Agritourism)


2023 – 2024 – international project BetterLife


Nowak, M. K., Mizera, T., & Tryjanowski, P. (2024). Impact of vandalism on avian nest-box studies: challenges and strategies for research and conservation. Biologia, 1-7.

Tryjanowski P., Białas, J.T., Wuczyński A., Profus P., Tobółka M., Nowak M.K., Siekiera J., Jankowak Ł., Walasz K. (2024) Rozwój badań nad bocianem białym Ciconia ciconia w Polsce: test trafności prognoz sprzed ćwierćwiecza. (Development of research on the White Stork Ciconia ciconia in Poland: testing the accuracy of quarter-century-old forecasts). Chrońmy Przyr. Ojcz. 80: 4-27. [in Polish with English abstract]

Nowak M. K., Mikula P., Jankowiak Ł., Sawinska Z., Menzel A., Tryjanowski P. (2023). Birds in Bavarian hop plantations: nesting preferences for different structural pole types. Acta Ornithol. 58: 187–192.


My interests are a mix of nature, passion and a bit of sports madness. I take photos of nature (mainly birds, but sometimes I capture everything I come across with my camera), I am interested in cynology, I value time outdoors – birdwatching with my dog ​​is great. In the meantime, I find time for books, basketball, running or swimming.