e-mail: alekswrobel22@gmail.com or wrobel_a1@wp.pl
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0307-4035
Research gate
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Scientific interests:
diplochory, dispersal of invasive tree species, implications of seed dispersal by animals on forest regeneration, seed dispersal by animals in various ecological context, tree-animal interactions
Principal investigator NCN Sonatina 4 nr 2020/36/C/NZ8/00013 „The role of secondary dispersal in montane tree recruitment along an elevation gradient: considering the climate change scenario. ”, 2020-2023, summary in Polish: https://ncn.gov.pl/
Principal investigator NCN Preludium 9 nr 2015/17/N/NZ9/00946 „Janzen-Connell effect in native and invasive tree species: do immigrants have advantage over locals? ”, 2016-2019, summary in Polish: https://ncn.gov.pl/